Fast Track: Career conversations with Margie Hartley
Career Insights from CEO’s and business leaders. Margie Hartley, Executive Coach to 11 of the top ASX listed companies, discusses the challenges preventing people in the corporate world from advancing their careers and speaks to leading Executives and CEO’s about how to overcome these challenges.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Margie Hartley provides an overview of the next 3 episodes which build on the theme of self-awareness. This 3 part exploration aims to fast track why self-awareness is a vital skill, why it’s an ongoing learning activity, how to become more self-aware and how to create a lasting self-directed learning loop that enables continual professional and personal growth.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Self-Awareness is a predictor of overall success. Margie Hartley and Susan Ferrier, Group Executive People and Culture National Australia Bank, fast track what it means to be self-aware, what it looks like at work, the benefits to your career and what you should do to develop it.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
If we can be in touch with how we feel, think and behave, be self-aware, then we have a greater chance of understanding the impact we have on our peers, employees , leaders and customers. Margie Hartley and Susan Ferrier, Group Executive People and Culture National Australia Bank fast track the imperative of understanding our impact on others at work and how this leads to success.
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
To be successful at work we need to be able to adapt in many ways. No more so than when working with others. Our ability to understand ourselves, the context in which we find ourselves and focusing on how we grow and adapt is essential for career success. Margie Hartley and Susan Ferrier, Group Executive People and Culture National Australia Bank discuss how self-awareness enables behavioural change and adaption so you can become the constructive colleague and the positive leader.
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Empathy is considered one of the four key competencies for the future - so what does it look like at work, a place where we have to achieve and perform? Margie talks with Kate Nuttall, Executive General Manager People, National Australia Bank about how your relationships are predicated by our ability to empathise and how bringing empathy to the workplace produces better relationships and performance.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Playing to your strengths is a transformational principle for your life and career. Sally Collins, Chief Operating Officer, Victorian Funds Management Corporation discusses with Margie how it led to a promotion, a book and new life perspective.
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Getting more done in less time sounds like nirvana for us all and often the biggest barrier to getting more done is that our work lives are filled with meetings. Margie talks to one of Australia’s most successful business people, Naomi Simson about how to achieve more in less time. Naomi Simson is the Co-Founder of the Big Red Group, Founder Red Balloon, Shark on Channel 10 Shark Tank, speaker, author, blogger, entrepreneur, innovator and influencer.
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
There are many career derailers, things we do that turn out to be a hindrance and not a help . What are these derailers, what are the things we need to watch out for and how do we become aware and manage them? Margie is joined by Cathy Yuncken, General Manager, Private Wealth, Westpac Group
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
“Winging it” is no longer an option when it comes to presenting either within your business or when presenting to those outside your business. Margie is joined by Claire Lauber, Managing Director of Boost Juice to discuss the sophistication of presentations, the increasing expectations to present powerfully and the importance of this skill in advancing your career.
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Being a Board member is a terrific opportunity for talented executives looking for the next step but what actually happens when you are appointed to a Board? Are you ready and able to contribute? Margie is joined by Elizabeth Proust AO, one of Australia’s leading business figures, Chairperson of Nestle Australia, Chairperson The Bank of Melbourne, non-executive director of Lend Lease and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.